CONFERENCE | | FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS HAZMAT PAGE | PHOTO GALLERY DIRECTORY OF RELATED LINKS What the Book Says The AMC Affiliation Program is designed to develop a mutual understanding of air mobility requirements and capabilities and to foster an informed, professional, and cooperative management environment for DOD users of military airlift and its providers. Limited airlift capability, combined with the rapid response required for global mobility and coupled with the small size of mission support forces, places increased responsibilities on the airlift user. The AMC Affiliation Program provides technical information, quality assistance, and feedback to airlift customers. It increases management awareness and involvement and assists the airlift user in becoming more self-sufficient in preparing for air movement. Liaison established at all working levels promotes this concept through staff visits, formal classroom training, staff planning validation, and joint participation in mobility exercises. Preplanning and early identification of airlift requirements and potential problem areas help to ensure a smooth flow of cargo and aircraft. The program objective is directed toward one goal: teaching DOD airlift users how to plan, prepare, and deploy by air quickly, efficiently, and safely with minimal Air Force assistance (ref AFI 10-221, 4.1).